Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9438902919 9438903019
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9438902919 9438903019
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9438902919 9438903019
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9438902919 9438903019
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9438902919 9438903019
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9438902919 9438903019
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9438902919 9438903019
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9438902919 9438903019

I-Wholesale Phezulu Ikhwalithi Yezithuthi Ezingemuva Ukushaqeka Izithuthi Zomhlaba I-Air Spring for Mercedes Cabin Actors 9438902919 9438903019

Yiba nezinhlobo ezahlukahlukene
into uqobo lwayo
Insimbi nenjoloba
inani lokudonswa
Yabelana nge:
I-Wholesale Phezulu Ikhwalithi Yezithuthi Ezingemuva Ukushaqeka Izithuthi Zomhlaba I-Air Spring for Mercedes Cabin Actors 9438902919 9438903019
Inniningwane yezobuchwepheshe
Ukusebenza komkhiqizo nobuchwepheshe

Izici Zokusebenza
Induduzo: It can significantly reduce vibration and noise during vehicle driving, providing a more comfortable driving and riding environment for drivers and passengers. Noma ngabe emgwaqweni omkhulu oyisicaba noma umgwaqo wezwe elibi, kungahlunga ngempumelelo ama-road roump futhi unciphise umzimba ubhukuda, ukuvumela abagibeli ukuzwa okuhlangenwe nakho okuzinzile nokunethezekile kokushayela.
Ukupheka: Precise design and optimization enable the shock absorber to closely cooperate with the vehicle's suspension system, providing good handling performance. Lapho imoto iphenduka, amabhuleki, futhi iyashesha, ingacindezela ngempumelelo izendlalelo ezinjengomzimba womzimba, unikine futhi igibele isitembu semoto, ithuthukise isivinini sokuphatha imoto, thuthukisa umuzwa wokulawula umshayeli we imoto, futhi ngcono ukuphepha ngokushayela.
Ukuthembeka: Izinto ezisezingeni eliphakeme nezinqubo zokukhiqiza ezithuthukile zamukelwa. Ngemuva kokuhlolwa kwekhwalithi okuqinile nokuqina kokuqina, kuqinisekiswa ukuthi i-Shock Absorber inempilo yenkonzo ende nokusebenza okuthembekile. In various harsh working conditions such as high temperature, low temperature, humidity, and dust, it can operate stably and is not prone to failures and damages, reducing vehicle maintenance costs and downtime.
Ukuvumelatgakata: Ilungele amamodeli ahlukene kanye nokucushwa kweMercedes-Benz Ng SK Series Amaloli futhi angazivumelanisa nezimo ezahlukahlukene zomgwaqo nezimo zokushayela. Noma ngabe emigwaqweni yasemadolobheni, imigwaqo emikhulu, noma ezimweni ezingekho emgaqweni, kungafaka imiphumela emihle yokuvuma ukushaqeka, kuqinisekisa ukusebenza kwemoto nokuphepha kwezimoto, futhi kuhlangane nezidingo zokusetshenziswa kwabasebenzisi ezimweni ezihlukile.

I-Wholesale Phezulu Ikhwalithi Yezithuthi Ezingemuva Ukushaqeka Izithuthi Zomhlaba I-Air Spring for Mercedes Cabin Actors 9438902919 9438903019
I gama le-brand Hlt
Uhlobo lwe-Shock Absorber Pneumatic and hydraulic
Inani lokudonswa 1000-2300n
-Fanele Mercedes-Benz
I-MOQ Izingcezu ezingama-50
Isimo I-100% ihlolwe kahle
Indawo yemvelaphi Henan, China
I-Wholesale Phezulu Ikhwalithi Yezithuthi Ezingemuva Ukushaqeka Izithuthi Zomhlaba I-Air Spring for Mercedes Cabin Actors 9438902919 9438903019
Impendulo ethile kithi
Uyemukelwa ekubonisaneni komkhiqizo wethu, lapha ukukunikeza ngezixazululo zobuchwepheshe.
Imikhiqizo ehlobene
Uyemukelwa ekubonisaneni komkhiqizo wethu, lapha ukukunikeza ngezixazululo zobuchwepheshe.