Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9428904719
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9428904719
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9428904719
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9428904719
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9428904719
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9428904719
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9428904719
Mercedes-Benz Truck Truck Shock Absorber 9428904719

Izingxenye ze-Shock Absorber Truck zeMercedes-Benz OEM 9428904719 I-Truck and Bus Diesel Injini Yezingxenye Zekhanda

Yiba nezinhlobo ezahlukahlukene
into uqobo lwayo
Insimbi nenjoloba
inani lokudonswa
Yabelana nge:
Ifektri Hot Hot Shock Excorber Absorber izingxenye zamaloli weMercedes-Benz OEM 9428904719 I-Truck and Bus Diesel Ball Ball Izingxenye Zekhanda Lekhanda
Inniningwane yezobuchwepheshe
Ukusebenza komkhiqizo nobuchwepheshe

Umgomo Wokusebenza
Ukulungiswa kwamanani nokwenziwa kwengcindezi: I-Air Spring Shock Absorber ibona umsebenzi wokumunca oshubile ngokonakalisa umoya ocindezelwe eRubber Airbag. Ingcindezi yomoya ocindezelwe ingashintshwa ngokuya ngesimo somthwalo semoto futhi imvamisa ilawulwa uhlelo lokumiswa komoya wemoto. Lapho umthwalo wemoto ukhuphuka, uhlelo luzokhulisa ngokuzenzakalelayo ingcindezi yomoya ku-airbag ukwenza ukuthi ashaqeke acashunqe futhi anikeze amandla anelesekeli anele; Ngokuphambene nalokho, lapho umthwalo usuncishisiwe, umfutho womoya uzoncishiswa ngokufanele, futhi i-Shock Absorber izoba yithambile ukuze iqinisekise ukunethezeka kwemoto.
Ukumunca ukushaqeka kanye nokuphazamiseka: Ngesikhathi senqubo yokushayela yemoto, ukungalingani komgwaqo omkhulu kuzodala amasondo avuthuke futhi phansi. Ngalesi sikhathi, irabha le-airbag le-Air Spring Shock Absorber azokhuphuka ngaphansi kwesenzo sokucindezela komoya, amunca futhi agcine amandla okushisa, bese uyiguqula ibe amandla okushisa bese uyiguqula ngempumelelo ukudlidliza kanye nokubizi kwemoto . At the same time, the internal coil will also produce elastic deformation during the vibration process, further enhancing the shock absorption effect and making the vehicle drive more smoothly.

Izitho ze-Short Quest Shock Absorber ze-Mercedes-Benz OEM 9428904719 I-Truck Bus Bus Diesel Injini Yezingxenye Zekhanda Lekhanda
I gama le-brand Hlt
Uhlobo lwe-Shock Absorber Impi evunayo
Inani lokudonswa 1000-2300n
-Fanele Mercedes-Benz
I-MOQ Izingcezu ezingama-50
Isimo I-100% ihlolwe kahle
Indawo yemvelaphi Henan, China
Izitho ze-Short Quest Shock Absorber ze-Mercedes-Benz OEM 9428904719 I-Truck Bus Bus Diesel Injini Yezingxenye Zekhanda Lekhanda
Impendulo ethile kithi
Uyemukelwa ekubonisaneni komkhiqizo wethu, lapha ukukunikeza ngezixazululo zobuchwepheshe.
Imikhiqizo ehlobene
Uyemukelwa ekubonisaneni komkhiqizo wethu, lapha ukukunikeza ngezixazululo zobuchwepheshe.