OEM 0677975 1336821 0083654
OEM 0677975 1336821 0083654
OEM 0677975 1336821 0083654
OEM 0677975 1336821 0083654
OEM 0677975 1336821 0083654
OEM 0677975 1336821 0083654
OEM 0677975 1336821 0083654
OEM 0677975 1336821 0083654

Ikhwalithi ephezulu ye-Front Front and Referm Shock Omuntshe ye-DAF Series F2500 OEM 0677975 1336821 0083654

Uhlobo lwe-Shock Absorber
Umfutho womoya kanye nengcindezi kawoyela
inani lokudonswa
U-DAF Series F2500
Yabelana nge:
Ifektri ephezulu yekhwalithi ephezulu yekhwalithi ephezulu kanye nokushaqeka kwe-DAF Series F2500 OEM 0677975 1336821 0083654
Inniningwane yezobuchwepheshe
Ukusebenza komkhiqizo nobuchwepheshe
Umsindo omkhulu womthwalo Umthamo omkhulu womthwalo we-Front Shock Absorber ahlangabezana nezidingo zesisindo zengxenye yangaphambili yochungechunge lwe-DAF Series lapho lilayishwe ngokuphelele. Kungasekela ngokuqinile umthwalo othwelwe yi-axle yangaphambili yemoto futhi uqinisekise ukuthi i-Shock Absorber ngeke yehluleke ngenxa yokulayisha ngokweqile ngesikhathi sokushayela. Umthamo omkhulu womthwalo we-Resear Shock Absorber eyenzelwe isisindo ngemuva kwemoto lapho uphethe izimpahla noma abantu, uqinisekise ukusebenza okujwayelekile kohlelo lokumiswa kwangemuva kwemoto ngaphansi kwezimo eziphezulu zomthwalo.
Uhla lwe-stroke Uhla lwe-Stroke of the Shock Absorber lubalwa ngokunembile ukujwayela ukuthuthukiswa kokumiswa kwezimoto zokumiswa kwezimoto ze-DAF. I-Stroke of the Front Shock Absorber iqinisekisa ukuthi kunesikhala esanele sokuthola amandla amandla okuphamba lapho imoto iphenduka noma idlula ngaphezulu kwamaqhubu esivinini, njll. I-Stroke of the Reserther Shock Absorber icubungula umzimba ocwila ngemuva kokuthi imoto ilayishwe nemigwaqo ethambile, iqinisekisa imiphumela yokuvuma ukuthuthumela okuqinile kulo lonke uhla olushukumisayo kulo lonke uhla lwe-stroke.
Ifektri ephezulu yekhwalithi ephezulu yekhwalithi ephezulu kanye nokushaqeka kwe-DAF Series F2500 OEM 0677975 1336821 0083654
I gama le-brand Hlt
Uhlobo lwe-Shock Absorber Ingcindezi kawoyela neyomoya
Inani lokudonswa 1000-2300n
-Fanele U-DAF Series F2500
I-MOQ Izingcezu ezingama-50
Isimo I-100% ihlolwe kahle
Indawo yemvelaphi Henan, China
Ifektri ephezulu yekhwalithi ephezulu yekhwalithi ephezulu kanye nokushaqeka kwe-DAF Series F2500 OEM 0677975 1336821 0083654
Impendulo ethile kithi
Uyemukelwa ekubonisaneni komkhiqizo wethu, lapha ukukunikeza ngezixazululo zobuchwepheshe.
Imikhiqizo ehlobene
Uyemukelwa ekubonisaneni komkhiqizo wethu, lapha ukukunikeza ngezixazululo zobuchwepheshe.