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Replacing worn truck cab suspension

DATE : Nov 9th, 2024
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Using a blade to cut the small airline flush with the bottom of the airbag inlet, the worn rubber on the airbag suggests it will soon fail.To install them, and we first removed the shock absorber on one side. It was just a matter of removing the two bolts, but if the top bolt rusts in the shock absorber, getting it out can be a very frustrating process. The lower edge of the rear cab wall drops low enough to prevent punching holes directly into the bolt or any tool knocking it down, an awkward process. (When replacing bolts with new ones, adding some anti-jam to the bolt will make the next mechanic's job much easier.)
Cut the small airline flush with the bottom of the airbag inlet with a blade, as shown here. The worn rubber on the airbag indicates that it will soon fail.To install them, and we first removed the shock absorbers on one side. It was just a matter of removing the two bolts, but if the top bolt rusts in the shock absorber, getting it out can be a very frustrating process. The lower edge of the rear cab wall drops low enough to prevent punching holes directly into the bolt or any tools from knocking it down, an awkward process. (When replacing bolts with new ones, adding some anti-jamming to the bolts will make the next mechanic's job a lot easier.)